Keeping Kids Going With State Testing

Hey everyone!

My kids are on a week break from state testing. I don't know how your schools/state does it, but in my school, it's all on the computers. My school also has it arranged so they have 3 days for the ELA main portion then a break, then 3 days for the performance task. We're on a break before we do the math test and then there'll be another break and the math performance task. Which means we'll have tested in both April and May.

The kids have been pretty great, but it's also a stressful time. To help with things, I've made sure to do some easy activities or stress relieving moments. One day we drew and colored for 25 minutes. It was very much needed and they were fine.

I ask fun questions on my easel or have them finish a quote.

Yesterday while learning about decimals, I threw in a quick matching game. They ran up to me and said it was so much fun.

                                                                             I got these cards here.

We all can't wait for testing to be over, but I know we'll make it by throwing some fun, stress-relieving activities in there.


Testing Treat Freebies

Testing season is upon us.  Teachers are stressed.  Kids are anxious.  Pencils are scarce.  Everyone could use a pick me up about this time of year. 

Leave your children little pick-me-ups each day of testing to let them know that someone is in their corner, cheering them on!  If your children don't test, let your class pay-it-forward by leaving small treats and notes for students in a testing class. 

Here are a few pictures of the treats from Learning in Wonderland's Instagram.  Her treats are ready to go for testing days!


April Desktop Calendar

Hey there! It’s Megan from I Teach. What’s Your Superpower?  I’m here with another desktop calendar for you.  I’m so happy April is here!  We’re moving this month, and I can’t believe April has finally arrived.

The graphics are from Elan Graphics.  I love how clean and pretty they are.


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