Testing Season is Coming {Freebies}

I don't know about you, but our end of the year testing is coming up in just a few weeks!  EEK!  Yes, yes, I know we're just over halfway through the school year - *SIGH*

There are a few things I've found over the past few years that really help to encourage my students to work really hard and give 100% on these tests.
Remind them of the fable, The Hare and the Tortoise, and to take their time to do their very best.  It's not good to be the first finished.  It's not a race. Those who work slow and steady usually do the best!

Give them their goal.  We take the MAP test so they have a fall score and a goal.  Students LIKE trying to reach goals.  

I print these turtle goal cards on green cardstock and laminate to reuse each year.  Students take their goal cards with them as a reminder to strive for their goals and work slow and steady. 
Download yours below!
There's research that supports the idea that chewing gum before a test could boost performance.  Now, gum is not typically "encouraged" at school, so last year my students thought it was a BIG deal that I let them chew gum!  Of course, I made a big deal about it...telling them how it could help their brain, and how they had to chew it very quietly and keep it "undercover" as not to get me in trouble (aka...no bubbles!) ;)  They ate it up! Parents were like, "that's all my child talked about when they got home!"

So, here's a little tag of encouragement I made to go along with the gum.  Just add your name to it and leave on students' desks with a piece of gum right before the test!

Before heading out to the lab for testing, I have each of my students give me a high-five and say something that they're going to do.  For example, "I'm going to do my best." or "I'm going to hit that goal."  or "I'm going to use good test-taking strategies."  Just having them verbalize what they're going to do with a high-five is like having them pledge to you that they are going to give 100%.

I hope these test-taking tips help your students.  It's hard to believe it's almost that time of year, isn't it!?

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