Technology in the Class: Plickers

Hey everyone!

I've seen other teachers post about this lately and I am here to say that I love Plickers too!

I created my class list and printed out the Plickers cards for my class. Whomever last used the copy machine left green paper in it, so now my Plickesr cards look like something from Minecraft lol. It actually makes them easier for the kids to find, so it was a happy mistake.

I put all of the kids' names on the backs. This one happens to be mine, because I wanted to be part of the fun too!

I wanted to start off easy, to get the kids used to this. The first question was what was their favorite color, next was favorite specials, do you like math, and then favorite flavor of ice cream.

All they had to do was rotate their paper to either A, B, C, or D, and then I used the free app on my phone to scan their cards.

I love that their name pops up with the letter choice right there! And then I could could use my app to just swipe to the question from my phone and presto, it changed on the computer!

There are two nice features with this program. You can see who hasn't voted where it says "students" , or you can have it on graph, like on the picture below. If it's something that you want to have a correct answer, you can program that in too and then reveal the correct answer after all kids have entered their answer.

And I had 6 kids absent this day (day before their spring break!)
I plan on using Plickers for math or reading questions. A quick way to assess students and a great way for me to save data, paperless! I can't wait to see how this turns out for the rest of the school year too. I'd have to say that at conferences, 98% of my kids included this in their conference, because they loved it so much.


  1. I LOVE the green plicker cards! Wish I had thought to make mine a different color! I adore this tech and so do the kids! I created some second grade tracking the learning cards to go with our SAT10 prep...Plickers makes it a fun way to practice and assess.! Thanks for sharing!
    Mrs. Samuelson's Swamp Frogs

  2. We use ours everyday for our math daily routine problem. And I'm happy to say that since we started (back in the first week of January) not one has been lost or destroyed even with heavy use... they don't want to miss out on the the fun so they take really good care of them! I didn't know if it was something that would stick with me, but it has been a super easy and helpful tool! A few other teachers in my building at starting to use it to now that we all got iPads. :) I personally love the green cards :)
    Tales of a Tenacious Teacher

  3. Great site/app! I use (and apps) in my class. I had 3 old iphones donated to my class from my family and myself & an old ipod touch. We would use the school internet and app and answer questions one at a time, then pass along to the next. (1 per table made it go by so much faster, plus you can use computers to answer as well.) Our school focuses a lot on Marzano Scales (students rate themselves) and DATA DATA DATA. So I would have students rate themselves BEFORE & AFTER a lesson, answer on Socrative app, then just download the Excel document with all the information, and save. Took me about 3 extra minutes of class time, and if administration would ask for data on a student, I already had them. :)

    Fishing for Education Blog


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