Hi! This is Jenn from Teacher's Open House!
I know that it is the middle of September, but I know teachers like to look ahead. So, I want to share my new Halloween packet with you! I put a lot of work into it these past few weeks as we were waiting on therapists and doctors, so I hope you like it. I even created some of the graphics! There are 103 pages of fun in there!
My favorite activity is the Pseudo-Hangman games which I call 'Draw Me's'. I never have liked the term 'hangman'...but anyway...kids can use definitions of vocabulary and the sizes of the letter boxes to try to figure out the word. All you need is a Vis-a-Vis marker that can wipe off easily and wallah! Instant fun. Answers are included!
Next, I included one of my Rainbow Paragraphs. Sometimes I call them Rainbow Stories. My kids LOVE these! The 'lead' sentence and conclusion sentences are both done in black which leads to a discussion of which is which! The other sentences have to be put together in the correct word order and then you just glue or tape them onto bulletin board paper or chart paper to show indentions, how to fill up a line with text, etc. The 'guts' of the story are done in the colors of the rainbow so that the order of the sentences in the story is already known. Last, you just include that conclusion sentence and you have a great little story! LOVE these!
Here are the directions for the Rainbow Stories.
Here is an example of a page of the rainbow sentences.
I also included an inference matching game. My kids have been working on inferencing so I thought they might enjoy these little riddles!
And of course...I can't do a packet without my sight word phrases. Both of the sight word phrase matchables use Frye's List 1-5 (first 500 words) and I tried making the phrases longer or used multiple phrases to make them a little tougher. One of the things I do is use a vis-a-vis marker to show the kids how the phrases work...I 'swoop' a line under the phrase and show them how to increase their fluency as they read. I also use these as a way to have students write a complete sentence...they just fill in the missing info and write the sentence to include the phrase on the card. You can also use the picture as a journal prompt.
I just love these frames here...I had to use them!
If you want to start printing any of these activities, just click here and go grab it! Have a great week!

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