In general, most boys in the primary grade are extremely creative. Just get a little boy to talk about his favorite sport or superhero and there is no stopping them! But getting them to write all of it down is a little more challenging with boys.
I like having seasonal writing centers up in my classroom, but I also like having some year round centers that reach out to certain hobbies and pastimes the children really enjoy.
On my blog, I have included a word list for you to print or display in your classroom with your projection technology. There are so many words, you can change it up weekly, monthly or pick the ones that work with the vocabulary from your reading series and leave them up all year.
This is one of my favorite, inexpensive, writing centers, especially for new teachers. Click here to see how to get started. You will need to model and role play how to use this center when you first start, but as the year rolls on they will get use to the system and the best part....you can teach your small groups without interruption. Click here to see how easy it is to introduce to your students during any month of the year.
I like having seasonal writing centers up in my classroom, but I also like having some year round centers that reach out to certain hobbies and pastimes the children really enjoy.
On my blog, I have included a word list for you to print or display in your classroom with your projection technology. There are so many words, you can change it up weekly, monthly or pick the ones that work with the vocabulary from your reading series and leave them up all year.
This is one of my favorite, inexpensive, writing centers, especially for new teachers. Click here to see how to get started. You will need to model and role play how to use this center when you first start, but as the year rolls on they will get use to the system and the best part....you can teach your small groups without interruption. Click here to see how easy it is to introduce to your students during any month of the year.
archer archery arena arrow athlete athletics
ball base baseball basketball bat baton batter batting biathlon bicycle bicycling bike biking bow bowler bowling boxer boxing
catch catcher champion championship cleats club coach
cross country cycle cycling cyclist decathlon defense diamond dive diver diving dugout equipment exercise field figure skating fitness football free throw
gear goal goalie
golfer golfing guard gym gymnast gymnastics gymnasium |
high jump hitter hockey home home plate
home team huddle hurdle
ice rink ice skates ice skating inning jog jogger jump jump rope
kayak kayaker kayaking kickball league long jump
medal minor league mitt net offense Olympics out outfield outfielder
paddleball paddling pentathlon pitch pitcher play player playing pole vault pool puck
race racer racket rink rock climbing roller skates roller skating row rower rowing rugby run runner running
score |
scuba shortstop shot put skate skating rink
skier skiing
sledding snorkling
snowboarder snowboarding snowshoeing soccer softball somersault sport sportsmanship squash stadium strike surfer surfing swim swimmer swimming target team teammate tee tennis throw
track and field trampoline triathlon triathlete triple jump umpire unicycle uniform
vaulter vaulting visiting team volley volleyball
walker walking waterski waterskiing weightlifter weightlifting win windsurfer windsurfing winner winning wrestler wrestling |
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