Hi everyone! It's Melissa here from Inspire Me, ASAP, formerly Lesson Plan SOS. I am anxiously awaiting my spring break....5 more school days, but who is counting? :) I am so excited to kickoff a series of posts that are focused on SPRING FREEBIES!!!!
I am sharing with you my two favorite spring activities and they both involve eggs! Don't worry, I am talking the plastic, cheap, colorful Easter eggs!!! :)
Purchase a few bags from your local Dollar Store, and you are ready to go!
First up, let's go hunting for prepositions! I begin by introducing prepositions and defining the word.
We practice using prepositions using our bodies and classroom supplies. Then, I bring out the basket of plastic eggs!
I give each student two eggs that they are responsible for hiding. I usually have my students hide the eggs one at a time and there is no peeking! If you are feeling especially festive, play some music and the students are hiding their eggs!
When all the eggs are hidden, then let your students hunt for the eggs!!! Students search the room to find eggs their friends hid and (most importantly!!) write a complete sentence, using a preposition, to explain where the egg is.
One smart little bunny put their egg right next to The Tale of Peter Rabbit!!
I wouldn't even have thought of that!
The light blue egg is AGAINST the book!
Or, the egg is ON TOP OF the white book shelf.
Ready for idea number 2??? Egg your principal!!! (Or any staff member for that matter!) :)
Buy one of those HUGE eggs that are on sale right now(see below in the picture). Tell your students that they will be filling the egg with egg-stra special letters that they will write to their principal- or any staff member. Of course, we used this as a mini-writing lesson and reviewed some egg-celent word choice that they might use in their letter.
Students then egg-celled at writing an awesome note:
"Hello, how are you today? I am eggcellent. I think you have an eggstraordinary office. Tell Mr. Z I said hello. You are an eggspert for creating Jeopardy for us. I hope that you have an eggciting Field Day."
"Hello, how are you today? I am eggcellent. I think you have an eggstraordinary office. Tell Mr. Z I said hello. You are an eggspert for creating Jeopardy for us. I hope that you have an eggciting Field Day."
I placed all the notes in the egg, sneaked into the office of our principal and officially "egged" them.

You could also have a couple of your students act as official "eggers" (not sure that is even a word?!) and deliver the egg and "You've been egged" note. I made the sign a tad bit cuter thanks to MelonHeadz Illustrations, Jessica Weible, and Ashley Hughes!! :)
If you are interested in these freebies, please click HERE
Don't forget to check our blog everyday for more great Spring Freebies!!!! :)
This is amazing! I love the You've Been Egged writing activities!
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