Hey everyone! We decided to keep the Spring Freebies going for a little while longer!
I'm here to share a few Easter themed freebies with you. These all are freebies from early on in my blogging days (be gentle, please!) but they've remained popular during each Easter season. I saw this cover all over Pinterest last year. The words are the sight words my oldkindergarten team uses so they don't follow a strict program. There's also a blank one so you can use your own words. Click the picture to download it from Google Docs.
Because it was so popular, I created another set. This set includes the Dolch Primer words. Click the picture to download it for free from my TpT store. I wouldn't hate you if you rated it or followed me while you're there either!
I also created color by numbers for math. First, I created an addition set.
(Click the picture download)
And then I made a multiplication set.
(Click the picture to download)
Don't forget to check out the other great spring items below and enter the giveaway we've got going on here.