Sight Word Automaticity

Research by Dr. Fry and Dr. Timothy Rasinski shows that students MUST know sight words automatically. Lacking in sight word knowledge is the leading cause of not scoring well on fluency assessments.  

I work VERY hard on sight word fluency with my students and follow the recommendations of teaching sight words in phrases, rather than in isolation.  Since I have done this the last 8 years or so, my fluency scores have sky-rocketed....teaching the words in phrases has helped students internalize meanings because it evokes meaning rather than leaving the words to seem abstract.  This week I am using this packet in my room in order to begin teaching sight word phrases.  My kids will need to read the phrase and match it to the picture.  You can make these self checking by printing it twice and leaving the card and its matching picture uncut when you go to laminate!

If you want to look at the whole packet, just click here!

Have a great beginning to your school year!!


1 comment

  1. I love this! Sight words usually get the back burner in 2nd grade. I have noticed that they come to me knowing less and less. I guess if common core don't say it, they ain't gonna do it! So I am hitting them hard this year!


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